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Cydia has released a new hack, which allows you to have 5 columns (that's 5 icons across), on your iPhone's springboard.

It's very nice when you have just too many apps spread across 6-7 screens, you can easily take it down to 1/2 screens!!

It's a simple download that you can get via Cydia, but you must have a jailbroken iPhone to do so.

Well everyone, I haven't been around in a little while, but "personal stuff" is over now, so I'm here to stay.

PdaNet has released a new ''updated version" that also allows you to tether your iPhone or iPhone 3G via USB cord.

Now, you won't have to go through all that pesky wireless tethering, which I know from personal experience, takes forever sometimes!!

Looks like the iPhone DevTeam has released Yellowsn0w, which is the first of it's kind to allow users to unlock their iPhone 3G running firmware 2.2 with baseband 02.28. You CAN unlock the iPhone 3G with baseband older than 02.28, but the DevTeam has exclusively restricted it to work with their custom baseband!

Basically, download QuickPwn, and jailbreak your iPhone 3G to the 2.2 firmware, or else download PwnageTool.

Yellowsn0w is available through Cydia/ Installer, good luck iPhone hackers!!

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