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PDA Net proves to be very useful to tether the iPhone wirelessly to your computer via wifi... it's a very simple process, with no SOCKS involved...,

Install PdaNet via Cydia (for jailbroken iPhones)After installation of PdaNet on your iphone follow these steps:

Step 1 - Set-up an adhoc wireless network your laptop. Depending on what OS (XP/Vista or some Apple OS) you are using each is different.

Step 2 - From your laptop ask to connect to your new adhoc network.

Step 3 - On your iphone go to settings WiFi and conect to the same adhoc network.

Step 4 - Start-up PDA-Net application on the iPhone and turn on the WiFi Router button on the bottom of the screen.

Step 5 - Enjoy real tetheringIf it still won't work, from the PC disconnect and reconnect to the adhoc network.I personally use this everyday, with my desktop Windows XP Pro....It'll save you a lot of money over time!!!


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